How to automatically test a Mx app with a (externally built) Cordova shell?

Hi guys,   I am wondering how I could execute automatic testing for a cordova build mobile app with Mendix screens and logic (developed externally in Cordova). The Mobile app has a Cordova shell with Mendix logic/screens. Those screens are just mobile enabled, so there are no desktop versions of the mobile pages. Who has experience and what is your adviced way to test those mobile only reachable screens?   At least I want to test- preferably automatically-; 1) execute integration tests for rest services in JSON 2) functional testing for the microflows 3) acceptance testing with Selenium IDE + Selenium Mendix locator builder. 4) There is a Mendix ATS, would this be the best solution, who has experience with it?    Thanks
2 answers

If you want to test automatically you can use the Unit testing module, see the appstore: 

You can use SoapUI for integration tests, and UI testing with Selenium, see this webinar:

The question is what are your high risk functionalities that needs to be tested? Based on that answer you can make a better selection for which tools you need.

In addition the cordova webapp is also available on a browser, but you cannot test or use the native widgets i.e. camera widget. To my knowledge these functionalities cannot be automatically tested on phonegap.


Hi Enzo,

Wilfried already provided good advice in his answer.

To test your microflow logic, use the Unit Testing module from Mendix.

For integration testing of your web services use SoapUI or Postman.

For functional acceptance testing you won't get along with Selenium IDE. Selenium itself only supports web components. It does not support the native components of your Cordova/Phonegap app.
The Application Test Suite (ATS) will soon support mobile test automation. We're building on top of Appium to support both web and native elements of your hybrid apps. You will be able to test your apps on real devices or on emulators. We're hiding the complexity of Selenium/Appium behind a set of intuitive actions with built-in Mendix support.


Disclaimer: I'm working for Mansystems where I'm responsible for the development of the Application Test Suite
