ATS Find/Assert does not work for dropdown list.

Find/Assert does not work on a drop down item. the name of the field is "referenceSelector1",  It's a very simple assert. I want to make sure the the state is correct for transaction. Any Ideas? this is what the log shows:
4 answers

Hi Frank,

The Find/Assert Widget action is better used for finding a certain widget and reuse the element returned. For asserting the value inside a drop-down or other input widget you must use the "Assert Value" action. You can enter the Widget Name and the value you expect. ATS will then check if that widget contains that value. I also added the link to the reference guide, as you see it supports a number of widgets.

I hope this helps!


Hi Frank,

Besides the option that Derryn provided you can also use the actions:


Hope this helps.


Thank you all! It was a great help. sorry for the delay in responding. Ciao.


Hi Frank,

I sent you a message with my contact info. Please contact me for further helping this issue.
