Email Module With Templates - Email not displaying as HTML

Hi, my email template, when viewed as an email, does not display in html format, but instead as plain text. This is despite entering into the html body attribute, and having "use only plain text" unchecked. How can I resolve this? Any help is much appreciated. Austin
3 answers

Hi Austin,

Are you using an email client to view your email? Is it possible that your email client only views email as plain text? 

If your template has "use only plain text" unchecked, then it should send as html.



I would debug your send email microflow and see what values are being set for the Email object that is being created. Specifically if use as plain text is false,  and if the html body attribute contains an html string.


Hi Austin, Just checking the obvious maybe it helps:

Can you confirm by looking at your template configuratioN:

#1: Unchecked

#2: HTLM template existing 

#3: Text template not relevant

#4: Tokens appear in appropriate styling?


Note that #1 is on the top right outside the box :-)
