opening a new tab in ATS & running test cases on different environments

Hey, Until now we ran all our test cases in ATS on the same environment (test), but we also want to run some test cases on the acceptance environment. For maintainability reasons it does not feel logical if we need to copy and paste all the test cases, so we can run them in another URL. Is there an easier way to run the same script on different environments? Next to that we have a test case in which we click a link, so a new tab is opened in the test run. But we cannot do anything on that new tab (all that we try results in a failed test case). Is there a way in ATS so we can do something on that other tab?  Kind regards Kathy
1 answers

Hey Kathy,

A user can run the same test cases for different application environments. To do this you have to set the open application action to ‘Environment URL’:

When you set the action to environment URL, you can set in the job configuration (the page where you go when you click on run from your test case) the environment on which you want to run the test case:

You can configure the URL’s in the test settings. NOTE: This can only be set by the SCRUM master of the Sprintr project.


If you want to switch to the next tab you can use the ‘Switch to next window’ action. If you want to switch back to the original tab you first have to use the action: ‘Get current window handle’ (so before you switch to the next window). With the action ‘Switch to window’ you can than later in your test case switch back to your original window.


Kind regards,

