Dealing with failed test cases in ATS

Hey, How can we best deal with failed test cases? And what can we do to not pollute our environment of the application when a test case fails? Kathy
1 answers

Hey Kathy,

For the failed test cases we recommend to first look at the screenshot and the error log, that are present in the failed test case run. That can already be sufficient to debug the test case. If that is not sufficient you can visually watch your test run back in Saucelabs or Browserstack.

By default, a test script execution stops when there is an error. For a proper clean up of your environment (removal of data, logout, etc.) you can set the call type 'Teardown' in your test cases at the steps you have for cleaning up the environment. On failure of a test step the execution proceeds with the teardown section and data is still removed/you are still logged out.

Kind regards,

