Not able to run a test case using Sauce labs account in ATS

Hi, I tried to run a test case using sauce labs trial account in ATS. But I get below error.  Followed the steps from selenium hub configuration document (   But I'm able to run a test case using Browser stack trial account. Do anyone have an idea about this?   Thanks, Vanda    
2 answers

Hey Vanda,

I looked at this issue with your ATS contact. We checked your environment with my Saucelabs account and that worked. Could you try to get another free trial with Saucelabs with another account and see if you get the same error message?

Kind regards,



Dear Vanda,

We can reproduce this issue if we create  a Saucelabs account in which an emailadress is the username. Could you try to create another Saucelabs account, and this time not use your emailadress as username. Other thing you could try is to encode the @ symbol, which is likely causing the issue, so use %40 instead of @.

Does this solve your issue?

Kind regards,

