Send mail on failed scheduled test

Hi everyone, For a project we configured some end-to-end tests and would like to run these at a regular interval. I was wondering if it's possible to send out e-mails when scheduled ATS-tests fail? In this way we would have to do a lot less monitoring and lower the odds of us missing scenarios in new deploys. 
1 answers

Hi Jelle,

Currently this is not possible out-of-the-box with ATS, although it is definitely on our backlog to implement at some point.
However, there are some options to get notifications about test case/suite results. The option that we currently use in one of our projects, is that we configured a scheduled nightly build/deployment of our app through Jenkins. This kicks off a selected test suite (regardless of whether or not there was a new deployment) and sends an email with the result of that test suite afterwards. 

This all works via the ATS CI/CD API. Find more info here:

If you want to know more about the specific solution that we created, or any other questions regarding this, just let me know.

With kind regards,
Joris van der Heijden
ATS consultant at Mansystems

