Bug/Cache-issue? Data grid opens outdated data objects
Hi all, I am not sure, but it seems like a bug or a cache-issue. Scenario: User 1 opens View1 which includes a data-grid with an object1 User2 opens the same View1 which includes the same data-grid with the same object1 User2 opens the object1 and changes the title from “Hello” to “World” User2 saves his changes and opens View1 again and can see that object1 is now called “World” instead of “Hello” Meanwhile User1 did nothing and waited for User2 until he completed his changes. User1 is still on View1 and can see that the object1 is called “Hello” and hasn’t got reflected the changes by User2. However this is ok, because User1 needs to reload View1 to see the changes. However User1 doesn’t reload the page, instead he opens object1. User1 is on the data view of object1 and can see that the title of the object1 is called “Hello”. Expected behaviour: User1 should see “World” as the title of the object1 after opening the object1 in a data view. Assumption what causes the problem: After User1 opens View1 with the data-grid, all data are going to be cached After User1 opens object1 in the data-grid of View1 he doesn’t open a current version of object1, instead he opens a cached version of object1. Question: Is this a bug? For me it seems like to be a cache-issue. Will this be fixed? When? Does anyone has the same problem? Some Screenshots:
Ömer Kafaoglu
2 answers
This is indeed a cache issue – Client refreshes are only being done for the user calling the respective piece of logic.
We have been seeing this for a while and have had no easy way of resolving it bar user clearing their cache/refreshing the page.
Dragos Vrabie
As Dragos says, this is how Mendix behaves today and I don’t expect it’ll change soon.
A few options:
There’s an option on data grids to refresh them on a set interval
There is a module in the app store called Pusher that lets you easily integrate with a free/cheap service (depending on usage), that can push refresh messages to a user’s browser when someone else changes data.