Testing the dropdown values

Hi , I am to tried out test senario where there is reference selector(drop down)  the field is Team having values aa,bb,cc. I would like to test the senario where its doesnot accept any other values(say xxx). In short i should have the test case pass(green in color)even if the data set is having xx or null value. I have tried to achive this using below steps but it didn’t work out. Failed at this step.  
3 answers

Hello Ragendth,

A possible solution could be done with 3 steps:


- set value to “aa”

- set value to “xx” WITH pre-condition set value to “xx” (the pre-condition should always fail, hence step should be skipped)

- assert value “aa” (if you find value “aa” it means “xx” could not be set and it will stay green, if it did set “xx” this step will make your test case red since it can’t assert “aa”).


EDIT: I was made aware that you can even do it with one single step with the action “Assert Condition Fails”

Use the action Assert Condition Fails WITH pre-condition set value to “xx”


Please check if this link helps as it looks like you trying to test negative test case – 



 There is a drop down select which are having values Teams ATS,aa,bb,cc. But dont have value xx. so i want to test that xx value is not selectable There is a drop down select which are having values Teams ATS,aa,bb,cc. But dont have value xx. so i want to test that xx value is not selectable .want to test this selectablitywant to test this selectablity

