Hi, I am performing test for my application on ATS. it is about login into my app. Problem is: app is secured with SSO login and its in ADFS environment. I close the company wifi and using guest access to perform the test. ( On the company wifi though I try to login with different user, it redirects me to my user because of SSO) When I perform the test for login – it redirects to link https://adfs.**********.com/adfs/ls/ (***** = Company name). But if I close this link and try to open the app , it takes me to user which I used for login. In ATS environment, test fails because this page https://adfs.**********.com/adfs/ls/ pops up in back end. Is it possible to run the script though after login it fails on script but it must perform next step .
Siddharth Maniyar
2 answers
hello Siddharth Maniyar1 Correct me if I don’t get it right you want the login test to fail as a step in the script and continue with the next step right?
If that is the case then you can use as the login step the assert condition fails command with a precondition the login that you want to fail. This way despite of the failure you will be able to continue with the script.
Agapi Karafoulidou
Please file a ticket with Mendix support in order to have it analyzed further.