xas - Unauthorized error - While doing the Jmeter test

Hi, I have created an app with login-logout and CRUD operations. While trying to check the performance  with Jmeter. I am facing an issue in the jmeter report of Unauthorized access for the user credential’s created.  I have captured the below scenario into a test script and ran the performance test. There is an error that was encountered. Scenario:- Login into the web URL and create a new record. The below link is for as it resulting in 401 error code (unauthorized), when users are hitting this application. This is one of the link users have to parse while executing the above scenario. https://studentapp110-sandbox.mxapps.io/xas   Can someone help me to fix this….   Thanks in advance
1 answers

I’ve not used JMeter before, but looking at the website it mentions that it doesn’t handle JavaScript. Mendix makes heavy use of JavaScript so that could be an issue. 

When I’ve tested using Selenium another issue I sometimes had was the test script was executing too fast. I had to put some pauses between the actions to ensure the app was ready. That may also be an issue here.

Sorry I can’t be of more help
