Automation testing in Mendix native application

We have written the automation script to one of our Mendix native mobile application. Script is written for the page to enter the two fields  and two buttons. Currently, XPATH and name to find the unique property of fields and used to pass the values to input field and to perform click button action. Could able to pass the input to the fields but it is not working on click event in automation. Mendix native app does not have automation support? Because we couldn’t able to perform button clickable action in page.  We are using Appium framework to do automation.  Thanks!!!
4 answers

I have created extensive automated regression tests using Selenium, so it is definitely possible. In the past, I ran into two common issues:

  • It is hard to target input fields by name. We solved this by adding specific classes (with the name being equal to the attribute – this helps to document the Selenium script as well) to each input field and let Selenium target by class.
  • Entering information and clicking a button resulted in not all entered information being available. We solved this by manually adding blur() action in Selenium after entering information and before clicking a button.

Hi, Krishnaraj!
We're testing native apps with the help of the Detox library.
You can find detailed instructions on how to set up Detox here. If you build your native app from the Native Template project, it already includes the Detox dependency for an Android project. This means you can skip steps 2, 3 and 4 in the Detox for Android guide.
All built-in widgets (button, text box, .etc) can be selected using the selector.  Please note, testID for a widget equals the widget name.

If you wanted to write a test for typing a value inside an input and then clicking a button it would look something like this:

await element('textBox1')).typeText("Some text");
await element('button1')).tap();

Where textBox1 and button1 would be names of your widgets.


Hi Krishnaraj

Have a look at out app store native widgets for test compatibility

Cheers, Andries



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