Native Mode/Android Testing

I am using free development version to determine proof of concept/building. #1 How do I know if my app will be build in “Native” mode? #2 If it is not in “Native” mode, how do I convert it to be? #3 App will not run on my Android Samsung S8 (Scan QR, Beep, Blank Screen)       What is wrong?  (Free Version, Not Native, Wirewall/Antivirus Issue, WI-FI router issue?)       How do i resolve?  (Incredibly frustrated with online documentation, discussions, support)   Note: Version 8.8.1 does not show in drop down box during submission.
1 answers
  1. If your app has a native profile. It can have multiple profiles: web, Hybrid phone, Native mobile.
  2. Click Project → Navigation → button “Add navigation profile”. Add the Native mobile profile. Then add a new page to you project with property General → Platform set to Native and layout to NativePhone_Default.
  3. Once you have added that and run your app locally, click View → “View in the Mendix App” and you will see an extra tab has appeared “View Native Mobile App”. Download the Make it Native app as described there in step 1 and do make sure your mobile is in the same network as your app.

