Advanced Chart Customization with AnyChart - Mendix Forum

Advanced Chart Customization with AnyChart


Hey all! I've created a step-by-step tutorial covering how to use the AnyChart widget for advanced chart customisation. 

Watch it Here

Topics covered include:

If you're interested, please take a look and let me know if you have any feedback. 


Hi Matthew,

I watched your toturials 2 days ago while I was looking for how to setup configurable graph and now found this thread. Thank you for your awesome work.

I have the requirement is to "create configurable graph of varied metrics, with table", detail requirements not provided yet.

Do you think that configurable graph is possible with Mendix?

Best, Tuan

In short yes, with the following caveats: - you use the AnyChart widget - "configurable" components are within the Plotly framework Given those considerations are granted you should be able to allow the end use to configure the chart in the UI, then take their inputs to generate the chart. Best of luck.

Thanks Matthew, I've found it and put it on my to-watch list as I'm struggling to get my Anycharts set up! 

I hope you find it helpful, please let me know if you have any comments or follow-up questions on the topic.