Optimise hide-phone, hide-tablet, hide-desktop for landscape tablets - Mendix Forum

Optimise hide-phone, hide-tablet, hide-desktop for landscape tablets


The hide-phone, hide-tablet, hide-desktop are not functioning as expected on landscape mode for tablets.


Even though the browser profile is on: profile-tablet, it measures the page width as wide and starts using the desktop media queries. This is conflicting with the UI compared to portrait mode. It shows the desktop elements on a landscape tablet and tablet elements on a portrait tablet.


Also note that large modern tablets as an Ipad Pro 13” and larger follow the desktop elements as the resolution is too high to use the tablet profiles. even though it’s flagged as a tablet profile.


I would suggest to link the media queries also to the device profiles, so a tablet is always considered a tablet and not a surprise if it loads as a desktop or tablet.

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