Tab Badge Visibility - Mendix Forum

Tab Badge Visibility


It’s great that you can add it a badge to tab headers.


However it would be great if we could be given badge visibility options.


Eg, the example below shows 3 badges when the counters are 0. Ideally I would only like to show the badge if the counter > 0


4 answers

A long, long time ago, i created a widget. not sure if it still works on with the most recent (react) versions


If the value of the badge is empty, the badge doesn't display. 

Therefore another workaround I've used it to set any counters to empty, if they equal 0. 



Would also love the option for class (and dynamic classes) control on tab level. So we can set the color, visibility etc. based on a status input


I would also like to see this implemented, for a similar usecase: 

I want to add a badge showing only an exclamation mark, the badge should be visible based on a certain status of the containing dataview because the ‘most important’ tab depends on the phase


