Return of feature - Visual properties editable in double-click pop-up window - Mendix Forum

Return of feature - Visual properties editable in double-click pop-up window


In modeler version 10.6.X is no longer possible to edit visual properties on the pop-up window when you double click UI items. This leads to an immense time loss in which one person can no longer just double click and mantain the mouse in a fairly small area of the screen, but instead, has to move the mouse all over the screen and go through a bunch of tabs in order to achieve the properties nedding change.


Every time I add or change some UI item - especcialy while in experimentations - I see myself going through the side panels and tabs and going back to toolboxes and back and forth with the mouse a whole lot.


I'd urge, if possible, keeping practicality and pragmatism in consideration, that this option could come back.


Kind regards

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