Automatic mapping of Atlas_Core Layouts with custom layouts - Mendix Forum

Automatic mapping of Atlas_Core Layouts with custom layouts




we have an idea regarding the Layouts of pages.


We are using a custom module with own company based styling which has his own layouts.

When we are binding in a Module from the External Marketplace, all of this pages are usually connected to Atlas_Core.


Our idea would be to have a kind of mapping where the "standard" Atlas_Core Layouts can be mapped with the custom created layouts (e.g. Default, PopUp, Sidebar, ...)


(We are aware of the "Batch Update Layouts"-function, but this is not working for us, because we are disabled/deleted the Atlas_Core layouts)


This would save lots of time :)


Thank you!


Best Regards,


Cüneyt Özer

Schwarz IT KG


Atlas_Core Layout missing.png

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