Container visibility using enumeration

Hey, I was taken one Insured Type entity in Domain model  which contains Individual and Entity Enumeration types element. If I take Insured Types in Data View then it is non editable.  I want if we select individual then it shows first name and last name container and if we select entity then it shows entity name container.   But Selection is not available.   I have taken these are the entities.   I was added Container here.   If I go for container visibility then it doesn’t show any attribute to select.   then how to do container visibility using enumeration.
1 answers
  1. If you want to make insured type editable, make sure to give read write permission for the appropriate roles in Access rules tab of that entity
  2. Since Insured type is associated with Personal collection, you need to also give appropriate permission for the association in Personal collection
  3. You can not restrict the containers based on attributes in associated entities. You need to have proper attributes in the PersonalCollection
  4. I am not sure why insured types is a separate entity with only Insured type enum in it. If this is present only for the sake of allowing users to select the type, you can also make it an attribute of Personal collection, then it will be easy for setting conditional visibility directly.
  5. For some reason, if you still want to keep insured type as a separate entity, then make sure you reflect the selected of insured type also within Personal collection by having attributes. 


Otherwise, you cannot do this. IMHO you must re-think about your domain model. 
