DeepLink : not getting redirected to a requested page after XSUAA login

Hi, I am embedding a Mendix app in in a container application (as an iFrame). I am using DeepLink to navigate to a specific page the mendix app and pass parameter from the container app. The mendix app is deployed on SAP CLoud Platform and I use XSUAA to login (for SSO).  The issue I am facing is that during the login the Deep link does not work – means it always gets directed to the home page (and no parameter passed). If there is already a logged in session exist then it works fine – means the desired page opens (more specifically desired micro flow gets called and parameters passed). It also works in the local testing (plain user/pw login, no sso) but not on the cloud. I have assigned LoginLocation something like this “../../login.html?f=true&cont=”. Internally the login.html redirects to /xsuaalogin handler. I call StartDeepLink in the AfterStartup microflow and DeepLinkHome in the DefaultHomePage microflow.  Any idea what could be the issue?  Best Regards, Pradeep
2 answers

Hi, I faced a similar issue when using deeplink in combination with login location. 

Instead of configuring loginlocation, I tried to customize the login.html that came along with deeplink module to mock that as our normal login screen. 

The issue was, I could not figure out how to properly configure the loginlocation, so the page redirection can happen properly. 

I am not sure, if you can customize the login screen for your case. 


Did you implement role Based Login then, you have to add start deep link microflow to the Role-based login , so that it will check for whether the URL has to hit the app or a specific page.
