Calypso Not Doing Any Changes

i am using Calypso to work with Scss , i installed the app and pointed to the project with the port 8080 and clicked start , so it opened localhost:1111 and my application appeared , i did some changes on the sass code on the _custom.scss and got the following in the console :   [Browsersync] Proxying: http://localhost:8080 [Browsersync] Access URLs: --------------------------------- Local: http://localhost:1111 External: --------------------------------- File styles\web\sass\app\_custom.scss has changed. Injected _custom.scss in the browser.   but the page is not getting affected and i cant see any changes
1 answers

it was an issue generated by using parallels on macOX , the path of the project started //Mac which didnt give the program the ability to compile and push the new files to the project to be able to refresh the UI , moving the project on a local path under the C:/ drive fixed the issue
