why is the css not minified in MX-9?

the theme.compile.css is not minified. Is there a setting where we can minify the compile? note: I understand that minifying the css would remove the map that is now embedded in the css file. Is there a possibility to get a separate theme.compile.css.map so the css can be compiled?
2 answers

Hey Koen,

When deploying the app the theme.compiled.css should be rendered ‘compact’. In that case, the source map will also not be included.

For local run/preview the uncompressed theme.compiled.css is used with source maps to aid development.


Ok, that’s fair, haven’t tried that yet. But what if we want a css.map in the deployed version (like tst or staging)? Is that possible? Bughunting will also happen there after UAT and QA
