New Globus Theme

Hi Mendix people, I would like to let you know that I have created a starter app and theme for building apps on the Mendix platform. It can be a useful tool for everyone involved in the app creation process — from Mendix Developers, through UX Specialists, UI Designers, UI Developers to Business Analysts. Our design team prepared new styles for building blocks and widgets, such as forms, buttons, lists, tooltips, checkboxes, typography and many more. You can use them to create mock-ups and proofs of concepts that fit your clients’ branding by simply choosing the right colours and adding logotypes. Currently is based on the 8 version of the Mendix Studio Pro but I am working on migration to version 9, which uses Atlas UI 3. There are features that don't exist in out of the box solution like Switches, Multiselect, List View as Grid (including Responsive Web Design), Tables (including Responsive Web Design). Please review this tool and let me know if you will have any questions. I hope it will be useful for you. Thanks.
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