Displaying data from joined tables in a list view?

Forgive me if this is simple, I am new to mendix.   I currently have a data model that looks like this:   I am wanting to display within a List View table, fields from both tables. 3 fields coming from Access, and the LastResponseDate from attestation_response.   I have mapped a caption value within my table to the association field I am looking for. Below are a couple screenshots of how I have done it:     Despite doing this, all the LastResponseDate values are coming back empty.   I have done a workaround temporarily by adding a new list view into the cell I am wanting the date in. And using a microflow to retrieve the date value from attestation_response that corresponds to the Access fields.  However this isn’t sufficient because I haven’t figured out a way to keep the table displayed up-to-date without entirely refreshing the page.
2 answers


“all the LastResponseDate values are coming back empty.” → i believe you didn’t save/set the association Access_attestation_response when you save the ‘Access’/attestation_response entity, please check the logic when you save the entities. system will NOT automactially save the associations between entities.


This was the case, thank you. I had a rough time wrapping my head around associations vs. traditional DB joins.
