Fill application title in login.html

Hi,   We have created a custom login page in html, because we did not want to allow anonymous users in our app. Now, we want to show the application title (as it is defined in Mendix) in our custom login page.  Is there any way we can do this dynamically? So without having to edit the html page and hardcode the application title in it?  
2 answers

Anonymous users in your app is no issue. Set your security level (Project Security) to ‘Production’ and define your roles and permissions in your modules.

Mendix provides all building blocks for you to authenticate. So there is no need to build custom login html to keep out anonymous users.


Hi Kevin,

You can use the override page title function in the show page activity to do this. 

For older versions of Mendix I built a widget for this (back in Mx7). It may still work in Mx9 but I would use the override page title feature.

You can download it here.

If it doesn’t work, you can always use an html snippet with javascript. 
