Change dropdown status upon date change

I have a requirement where in a page there are 2 objects, One is date and the other is a dropdown with 2 options: open and closed. If the date is before today, the status should get set to closed. Else remain as it is. How can this be achieved?
2 answers

using same solution mentioned by @aishwarya but with a nanoflow is better for your performance.

this can be used on change of the date field and you don’t need to commit. in a nanoflow you don’t even need to refresh the object.


Hi Pragya Pandey,

For this, create a microflow and need to check the date field using the decision activity that is date < [%CurrentDateTime%]. And change the object to closed for true condition, and set object as open for false condition.

And return the object. 

Hope this will help you!
