Patching mxclientsystem sounds like a terrible idea. I would advice to identify what API’s you need and build them as REST. It is extra work but it’s the right architecture:
Alternatively, you can try calling the mxclient API’s ( directly from your SPA. These were designed for use by custom widgets. So your use-case is probably not supported by Mendix.
Not exactly microservices, but there is the module NativeRest in the appstore, making client-side Javascript rest-calls available.
Btw. I have two clients for which I created an Mx app that they added to their website using iframe. Pitfall one: bad on Google-ranking, but not everybody cares about that/needs that. Pitfall 2: double usermanagement.
When I saw your post I was hoping for a robust discussion here. We are looking for a similar solution. It should be possible for Mendix to facilitate this. We need some forward thinking here. The needed solution is the antidote to the dreaded monolith application.
Warm regards,