Sort Order behaving strangely in data grid

Hi Everyone,   I just created a new app in Mendix 9.5.1, and I am really struggling with the sort order of a data grid in my app.   I have a default sort order set on 3 columns. According to the documentation, it should sort by the first column, then if values are the same for some rows, sort those rows by the second column, and then the same for the third coloumn:    Instead, it seems to only sort by the third column, while the rest of the data is displayed in some unexplained order (which is consistent when I refresh, though). It also behaves very strangely when I then add a single sort on one column, by clicking on the column name. This sort seems to be completely broken for several columns, and not following alphabetical sorting rules.   The data source for the data grid is Database, without any filters.   The sort order is app family → env type → name It seems to sort by env type only, and ignore the others   After I click on the column name, it should be sorting by DB Type only, but it seems to ignore that:     Has anyone faced issues like this? Perhaps specifically with Mendix 9?
3 answers

Just giving this a bump in the hope that someone can provide some insight here.


I have not seen this particular issue, although I have had to rework some of my data for sorts to work correctly. 

Can you post screenshots of the of the model and, the Datagrid and the sort.

I’m not sure if an index would help, my understanding is they only help with performance and not the actual sorting, however it might be worth trying.



The issue is that the app is running on HANA, and Mendix apps running on HANA do no support sorting via associated attributes...
