Hi Mustafa, were you able to fix this? I’m running into the same issue: https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/112225
Hi Mustafa,
It might be that the compilation order of theme modules is wrong, and it's trying to use a variable of a theme that hasn't been instantiated yet. Please check project settings > theme tab. DataWidgets should be below Atlas_Core.
If that's not the case, please include the full error stacktrace instead of just this one part.
Hi Mustafa,
I had the same issue after updating.
I was able to resolve the error by reverting ‘gallery.scss’ so that it includes the following lines again:
$screen-md: 800px;
$screen-lg: 1200px;
Unfortunately this isn't the solution, because now the data grids are not showing any data anymore.
I don't have any time to look into it further at the moment but please let me know if you do find a solution!
Hello Mustafa,
I believe you have updated your datagrid module to datagrid2. when you open the market place from the studio Pro older version you can see the following text (its not showing in web or the newer versions of the Studio Pro)
Please update this file and recompile your code. The error will be resolved.
#datagrid2 #datagridwidget
Spaces are thinner then letters in the errormessage. Copy paste this error message to notepad and you will see that the arrows on the second row line up with the variable $screen-lg. This is the first symptom. The cause is: you have not renamed your Datawidgets-module before you imported the Atlas3-version of it: module ‘DataWidgets’. See https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/modules/data-widgets#2-migration. Rename module DataGrid to DataWidgets and try again.