Pop Out page shows up a second time while is not being called

Hi guys, I have a pop up page to confirm order status change. The main MF contains (in general ) retrieve articles -> loop through article list -> retrieve order -> check all article status of the order -> Show pop pup to confirm order status change if there is change.  The pop up is called for each order of which the status has changed.  The issue is that the pop up comes up a second time for each order while is not being called.  I am using de modal pop up layout from atlas core.  The second time the pop up shows up comes with an empty message (just confirm or cancel), this happens because the order is confirmed with the original pop up that is actually being called.  I have debugged the MF several times and 100% sure that the  pop up page is only being called once per order.  But I am still getting the pop up page twice per order – (one that is being called, and one that is not).  Thanks in advance.
2 answers

So basically iterate to articles – find the order (is the order already processed then skip) → validate article status → validate order status → does the status change – > yes call pop up confirm validation (circled in black)



It’s quite hard to see what’s going on in the microflow as it’s too large to what the actions are. 

My initial thoughts are that the loop is iterating over an object with messing attribute values. To test this, I would put a breakpoint inside the loop at the start and single step from there, or maybe even just a log message to indicate the loop has been entered. From what I can see the loop is the only place show page is being called from.
