Styling in Mendix 9.10

I have migrated an application to a newer version (9.10) of Mendix. There is a standard module Styling available. In custom-variables.css I wasn't able to change the styling of the headers of datagrids. I added the subsequent part of script into the custom-variables.css of the my app: .mx-name-head-row {color:rgba(5, 17, 184, 0.774); font-style: italic;}; I did this to change the color of the columns of the datgrid to blue and italic. That works fine. Then I extended this line of code to the following. .mx-name-head-row {color:rgba(5, 17, 184, 0.774); font-style: italic; font-weight: normal;}; The letters are still bold. Mendix just doen't react to a normal lettertype, e.g. also .mx-name-head-row {font-weight: normal;}; does not work. My users don't want the column headers in bold, also it takes more space and looks very messy. Who has a suggestion of how to get the column headers in an normal style?
2 answers

Hi Erik,

CSS follows the rules of specificity. You are applying styles to .mx-name-head-row, but there’s more specific styling being applied to its children already. So you’ll have to make your styling rules more specific. This should work:

.mx-grid {
    > .mx-grid-content {
        > table {
            > thead {
                > tr {
                    th {
                        color:rgba(5, 17, 184, 0.774); 
                        font-style: italic;
                        font-weight: bold;



Hello Marius, 

It worked indeed, only with a minor change, font-weight: normal, as the bold lettertype was the standard already. Thank you for the answer!

Kind regards, 

Erik Kuiper
