Let the user map values of 2 entities

Hi, I was trying to figure out how to do this and I don’t even know how to start. I would like to create a page with 2 lists side by side with the second list being “multiselect” Something like the picture below   As a result, after the user hits save, I would like to know that  John drives a Toyota corolla and a Volkswagen Beetle Alex drives a Toyota corolla and a Honda Accord Carl drives a Toyota corolla and a Jeep Cherokee     Any solution will be helpful, it doesn’t necessarily have to be 2 entities.
1 answers

Hi Alex,


I would suggest to create two entities actually. You can then associate name with car (1-*). Behind the save button, you should have a microflow that sets the association between Name and the selected cars. Also good to mention: think about the UX/UI aspect of your page. Is this the most convenient way of letting the user select a name and associated cars? You can also decide to use a datagrid on a page with all the available names and a button that brings the user to a pop-up page. This pop-up page then shows a listview/datagrid of all cars that the user can (multi) select. Don't forget the microflow at the end that sets the association between (list of) cars and Name :-).


Hope this helps Alex, and good luck with your project!
