Rescaling of search fields

I have custimized the styling of the search fields in Mendix 9.10.0 in the following way:   $search-item-width: 400px;  .mx-grid { .mx-grid-search-inputs {                 display: grid;                 grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax($search-item-width, 1fr));             }            .mx-grid-searchbar {                 background-color: rgba(166, 232, 248, 0.452);                .mx-grid-search-item {                     display: flex;                     flex-direction: column;                     max-width: $search-item-width;                     .mx-grid-search-label {                         text-align: left;                         width: $search-item-width;                         label {                            font-weight: normal;                            overflow: hidden;                            text-overflow: ellipsis;                            white-space: nowrap;                            display: block;                         }                     }                           .mx-grid-search-input {                           font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; width: 100%;                           .form-control {                               font-size: 14px;                               background-color: white;                               border-top: 2px solid #CCCCCC;                               width: 100%;                            }                            .mx-button {                                 height: 28px;                                 padding-top: 2px;                                 padding-bottom: 2px;                                 background-color: transparent;                                 border-color: transparent;                                 .glyphicon {                                     position: relative;                                     top: 1px;                                     display: inline-block;                                     font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";                                     font-style: normal;                                     font-weight: normal;                                     line-height: 1;                                     -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;                                     color:#c22681;                                     -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;                                 }                            }                       }                 }             } }   This works fine. But when I zoom out, the 4 search items in a row, keep the same format so they disappear from the screen (see picture below). What can I do so that the search items automatically adjust to incrementing the page zoom (e.g. 125%) and always will be visible?  
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