Auto scroll to the bottom of the page

HI, I have a requirement to show a static notification message at the bottom of the page and whenever the message is shown the user has to be taken to the bottom of the page to have a look at the message. Please refer the screen shot below .The highlighted thing is the notification message. I have also highlighted the button click on which i m trying to scroll down. Currently i am using the below jquery in html snippet to do this. $(document).ready(function(){  $(document).on('click','EnableDiffPlay',function(e){ debugger;     document.querySelector(".NotifyDP").scrollIntoView(); }); }); The problem here is it is not entering inside my click event. I am facing issue in finding the dom element. Any Quick response would be appreciable!! Thanks in Advance!!!    
2 answers

You can always use the “Scroll To” action in the Web Actions module in the Marketplace to scroll the page down to where you need it to be. You will need to call this from a Nanoflow.

Hope this helps.


Set a class on the element where your video is: For example “video-container”

Then you can use “video-container” as target in the scroll to action.
