show resme view/ donwlaod in grid

Dear Mendix Team,   I hope you are doing well   I am Rohit Raj and I have query about how to display reusme in data grid where user can see resume and downlaod   what I did so far in domain add attribute with the name of Candidate Resume   What I Expect display reusme in data grid where user can see resume and downlaod
2 answers

CandidateRecruitment inherits from System.FileDocument. System.FileDocument is the entity to contain the file content and every FileDocument can be downloaded when selected (add button in grid header). An attribute of type String cannot be downloaded (unless you add specific programming, not standard Mendix).



Hi, Rohit


I can see in the image that you have already generalized it from the system document so the next step to download file double click on that one data row in the candidate recruitment page and you will get option for download.

something like this


hope this helps!
