Maximize is not showing on the app security window

I am using Mendix 9.12.5 version but when I am opening app security and selecting production from the security level  it is not showing me the option to maximize the window so that I can select the okay button. Okay and the cancel button is not showing after selecting production from the security level.  
2 answers

Hi chandan sahni,

I am also facing the same issue. For Okay and Cancel button I found a shortcut ,you can use the shortcut CTRL + ENTER for the options that you can view & edit. This shortcut works to click "OK" everywhere in studio pro. 

Hope it will help you.



Hi Chandan,
               Can you check your project user roles tab, whether you added the user  roles or not. If no means please add the user roles then try It.

Thanks & Regards
Dinesh Gunasekaran
