UI Resource Theme wont apply css to new (not deprecated) charts

Hello, currently I am having an issue with my app. I have got an ui resource app which implements a color theme.  This theme is working perfectly with the now deprecated chart types. However the new (not deprecated types)  are not affected by the css and therefore do not have the correct colors.   What could be the probleme here? I’ve read through a dozen docs pages but could’nt find a clue why this is  happening.  Did the naming of the css classes change? Do I have to specify the new widgets to use the ui resources? The UI resource is located in my themesources directory. However I’ve read that this is correct because any ui  resource overrides the properties in my theme folder. Furthermore the old charts are working properly so I  do not think that this has something to do with the location of the resource.   I am using Studio Pro 9.17.0. Currently I can’t select this in the mendix studion version drop down menu when formulating this question. That’s why I specified it here.   EDIT: I’ve read about this: https://docs.mendix.com/howto7/extensibility/charts-theme/#32-adding-a-theme-configuration Is this the (new) way to go? Should I copy the css from the ui resource charts.css file into a new com.mendix.charts.json file?   Thank you for your help.   Kind Regards Alex
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