Theme could not be compiled

Hi,   After I download the project from Team Server. I’m getting the below error :   Recently, we upgraded the application from Mx8 to Mx9. However, Others are not getting this error for the same application. Even if they get, once they click on update and update the application – the error is gone.   But for me it’s not getting resolved if i update /download the app from server several times.   Please help me out on how I can resolve this.
3 answers

Are you using a tool like Microsoft OneDrive? It could be another process such as OneDrive is trying to access the same files as Mendix Studio Pro when it is trying to compile your SASS and that is causing issues. If you are, try moving your Mendix project out of OneDrive and trying to build it again.

Good luck!


Hi Shireesha,


Changing 1 line in the file themesource > datawidgets > web > main.scss, Line 1:


1 @import "../../../theme/styles/web/sass/main";

like above may help you.


None of the approaches above solved my problem.


It seemed that the reason for the timeout error in my case was using a network drive to store my Mendix-project. After I moved the project to my local drive, the timeout error disappeared.
