Change Atlas Core popup layout width & height dynamicly to page size?

Hi, Is there a possibility to make a custom implimentation of the atlas core popup that changes accordingly so whole the page is shown ? (So no need for the user to adjust or scroll through the popup page to see everything) Please let me know if the my question is not clear. Example : when this popup is opened not all input fields are visible:
1 answers

Yes, this is a possibility.


1. Fixed width / height

In the properties of your pop-up page you can set width / height, but these are not dynamic.


Custom SCSS

You can make a custom class (or .mx-window class) that overwrites the width / height:

If you implement this option, make sure to turn of “resizable”, this option will make resizing the popup window overwrite your values!

If you use this option make sure you adjust the top / left values as well otherwise you'd have an 80%-width popup that starts from half your page and ends far outside your browser window

