How to a add multiple y axis to line chart?

Need your help ,i am unable add multiple dynamic y axis here Data is comming from single non persistent entityData on the graph look like below i want  seprate y axis for each paramter 
3 answers

You need to use plotly styling


For the chart, use 

  "yaxis2": {
    "overlaying": "y",
    "side": "right"


For the series, use

  "yaxis": "y2"


Hi Avanti,


You would need to use the AnyChart widget. See this documentation of plotly: Multiple axes in JavaScript (


The downside of this is you would need to build the strings for your graphs (at least, I haven’t found an easy way to resolve it)



If you are confused as to how to use the AnyChart widget (I know I struggled a bit), create a non-persistable entity containing 2 unlimited string parameters – one is for your data and one is for your layout options (below is an example with default values for testing purposes)

Using the above-mentioned documentation as example, in the LayoutConfiguration you would add:

	"yaxis": {
		"title": "yaxis title"
	"yaxis2": {
		"title": "yaxis2 title",
		"titlefont": {
			"color": "rgb(148, 103, 189)"
		"tickfont": {
			"color": "rgb(148, 103, 189)"
		"overlaying": "y",
		"side": "right"

Drop the AnyChart widget in a dataview that contains the non-persistable entity (with the data already populated :D). Under the Data-tab, select the relevant source attribute (also ensure the Mode is set to Production, the Development mode gave us issues). Under the Layout-options select the relevant source attribute and you should be good to go!


I hoped it helped and all the best!


Hi Nico Mouton,

             i have created non persitent entity in which i added two ttribute Data and layout configuration.but second is not showing on graph only single y axis is shwing on graph .can you please did i did something wrong 

 "yaxis": {
  "title": "yaxis title"
 "yaxis2": {
  "title": "yaxis2 title",
  "titlefont": {
   "color": "rgb(148, 103, 189)"
  "tickfont": {
   "color": "rgb(148, 103, 189)"
  "overlaying": "y",
  "side": "right"

