Button text only visible when hovered over?

Hi all, I have recently updated from Atlas 2 to Atlas 3 and am encountering an issue with buttons.  Below is how my default buttons used to look: After updating to Atlas 3 and redoing all my custom variables, they now look like the below image: In each of these images I am using my cursor to hover over the “New” button. I don’t care about the new font or the change in button shape but I can’t find a way of making it so the text is visible on all buttons regardless of whether they are being hovered over or not.  I am editing "theme/web/custom-variables.scss" but can’t find the variable to change the text colour on buttons when they are not being hovered over.  The settings that I’ve used to try to get this to work are: $btn-bordered: false;  $btn-default-bg: #fff; $btn-default-border-color: #000 !default; $btn-default-color: #009D9D;   I have also tried the above but with: $btn-bordered: true;  but that gave me the same result.   Any advice on which setting I need to change to make the text show up on the buttons all the time would be appreciated.   Thank you. 
2 answers


It seems like the colors used in your theme changed.  Maybe one of the theme colors is white and that is being used by the buttons.  In addition to Eline’s suggestion, you could check (and change temporarily) the default them colors you’ll find at the top of custom-variables.scss and see if that makes the button and button text visible.



I figured this one out. Apparently I was changing the wrong settings. I was using an additional UI module, and changing the settings in the css files of that module actually made the changes I wanted to see. 
