hello all! i have such entities: one Bomlist and one MaterialInformation as below After importing the data via excelimporter, the data for each overview pages are both show well. but when I set the data source of one column in the Bomlist overview page as association of MaterialInformation, the data never show out as below. could anyone can help me with this ? thanks!
Kardos wang
3 answers
Check a few things:
Does the user have at least read rights for the stuff you want to show (specifically the association since you say that you’re able to see data from both entities in their own overview pages)?
Is the association between the objects actually made during import?
Martin Bouma
Hi, Martin. You are right!. I have not set the association in importer template. but after setting, the error below appears while i have set the exact same contributes to both two related entities.
Kardos wang
Looks like the column name is not matching with you excel column name .
Please check the Column Header name is the same which you used in the Column name while creating the template and same is aligned for the referenced object .