How to hide tabs?

Hi colleagues,   I have tab container here, but i need to hide one of them instead of deleting it for future use.     but the problem is I cannot hide by using visibility by condition, because it needs all of them to be checked   is there another way to do this?    Would a manipulation in main.css will do? How do I do it if ever?   Thanks!
5 answers

Basically you are trying to hide something, because its not needed at this moment and you don't want to remodel it at a later moment when it’s needed again. Right?


I would do it as follows;

  1. put the contents of the tab into a container.
  2. Select the container and right click
  3. Select Extract snippet
  4. Enter a suitable name
  5. Delete the tab container

Creating the snippet


By creating the snippet, you do have a capture the contents of the tab, which you can drag and drop later back into the tab when you need it again. So you modeled content isn't gone,. While you have cleaned up your tabcontainer without dirty css tricks.


Adding the tab back with its original contents;

  1. (re)add the tab
  2. Drag and drop the snippet from the project explorer into the tab
  3. Right "click on the snippet
  4. Select Inline snippet
  5. Boom, your contents of the original tab is back

Adding the snippet back and extracting content 



Hello John,

Use like this;

Replace 1 with your tab and page number.

.mx-name-tabContainer1 .mx-tabcontainer-tabs .mx-name-tabPage1 {
display: none;



Hello John,

If it is not needed now, you can hide it by using css.

.classname {
display: none;


Hope my answer helps


You can either do it through (S)CSS (which would be in your ‘theme/web/main.scss' file or atleast referenced from there),


Or you can construct a non-persistent entity as a helper in which you place the tabcontainer and then use the 'based on expression’ option to hide it.




