UI Issues with Menu

I am facing a couple of UI issues:-   There is always a scrollbar. (Marked as Red 1) When I click the gear Icon, menu opens with Logout option but Font size of Logout is too big Logout goes beyond screen and due to this another scroll bar appears (Marked as Red 2) The feedback button appears always. Is this something related to prototype/demo mode. If not can we remove it. Screenshot can be accessed at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tn7lTDa-36pAuIfHsw5omLfOAXbQ7cC-/view?usp=drive_link  
1 answers

Hello Muhammad,

To remove the scroll bars, you can use a css property,

- you can use this in two places based on your requirement,

1.In main.scss use as:


    overflow: hidden;



2.In page property use as:

overflow: hidden;


because it will not allow the page to scroll thereafter.
