Adjusting Icon Size in Data Grid

Hello Dear Mendix Family, I am using enumeration data as image and displaying this image in data grid. However, I want to change the appearance of the images that I use. For example, the green buttons above should be bigger. What do you recommend to change the size?   Thank you in advance!
1 answers

Place on the columns October and November a custom class e.g.: product-enum-image

Restart the App.

Go to your App-folder in windows-explorer via the menu App → Show App Directory in Explorer.

Go to the folder “themesource” and to the folder of your current Module, for e.g. MyFirstModule.

Go to web and open de main.scss

Add the following rows and save:


.product-enum-image img {

    max-width: 30px !important;

    max-height: 30px !important;



You can change the 30px to your need.

