Mendix Native Datepicker widget buttons are transparent

I am using the standard datepicker widget in Mendix native 9.24.1. When I want to fill in the date on the make it native 9 app I do not see the ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons. They are there, but they are not visible. I have tried changing the css while targeting the parameters which are used in Datepicker.js, but these parameters only change the text box, not the datepicker itself.  Does anyone know how I can make these buttons visible? The picture below shows the widget as it is, no buttons visible:   The picture below shows when i hover on the button:
1 answers

Similar issue while working on the native application. However, after  creating a build, the problem was successfully resolved. The transparency issue only surfaced during the development phase (Make It Native 9) and did not persist in the final application build. 
