UI default navigation text bug in icon-mode after migrating from Studio 9 to 10
Hi there, i am new to Mendix and try out the features and the usability. I started with an test app last month with Mendix Studio Pro 9 and switched today to the new version 10. After the first start of my app, Studio Pro 10 asked me to convert it. I have done this and started the app. Now it has a visual bug in the main navigation from the basic “blank template”. Most of the first letter of the text of a navigation link is shown in the icon-only mode, see the following image: I changed nothing on the base template (“Atlas” ?), so no CSS changes by my side. Do i have to do somewhere another update of the base theme or is this a bug or whats to do in this case to fix it? Thank you very much in advance!
Stephan Nöhmeier
2 answers
Did you find the solution @Stephan Nöhmeier? I’ve the same issue after upgrading from 9 to 10.
Nipun Shetty
You may need to update the relevant components and widgets