How can I add some spacing between Cards in a horizonal list view?

Hi, is there any easy way to add some spacing between cards in a listview on a Native App.   This is what the cards currently look like when view on the device   Ideally I would like some form a space between each of the cards, just to separate them a bit. This is the current properties for the listview     I know I could look into CSS but is there an easy option just using the built in properties?   
2 answers

Hey Gareth, 

Are the "Devices" the data source for your listview? If so I would take a look at the design properties of the listview itself to see if any of those have an impact. If they still aren't helping, Unfortunately I would suggest trying some CSS, the space-between attribute of the flexbox module could be helpful here and should be relatively simple to implement.

Another potential solution is to add some sort of margin left/right on the cards themselves, which again would requite some simple CSS. 





Hopefully this helps, good luck!



Hello Gareth,


By using CSS, this will be easy to handle.

Try setting below CSS:


.boardCard > ul {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

.boardCard > ul > li {
    display: flex;
    width:20%; //for 5 cards in one row
    padding: 8px; //adds the space between cards


Hope this helps!!
