How Can I display same Attribute in more than 1 column in a list view?

I have a list view and when I’m displaying my attribute it becomes in many rows and only one column, is there any option to display my data in 2 or 3 columns without need of click on load more as in the picture attached? know that I want to display same attribute but with different data its like wrap when one column is filled the data goes to next column.    I have screenshots may help you understand what I want.   why I need this? because it will make the list looks more comfortable and no need to scroll down and press load more if you have too much items or data. I put the data in a container and give it some css to have space to the right I though new data will come next to right.   waiting for help as soon as possible, thanks.    
2 answers

Hello Saeed Alghailani


 I think what you want to use is the “Template Grid”. You can set how many rows and colums you want to show.



The list looks like this:



Hi Saeed Alghailani,


It is possible to achieve using list view also. please do let me knwo if you want the answer!


