how to change login page text label to custom label?

hi team,   our requirement is to change label from “Sign in” to “Cummins Sign in” in login page of mendix.i tried to change html of login.html page and tried to change title it doesn't get reflected.any solution regarding this is appreciated.
1 answers

Hi Nikhil,

If you want to customize the login page as  per your own accord, then you can create a new LoginPage and then customize it,

You can go through this link for referrence:*5w2wal*_ga*MTE3ODA0ODA3My4xNjg4Nzk3MjM3*_ga_4PE2C4QFC7*MTY5NTcyNjQwOS43Ni4xLjE2OTU3MjY3NTQuNDMuMC4w


Let me know, if you have any issues,

Hope it helps!!
